Page not found (404)

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in Osiris.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. data/api/
  2. admin/
  3. activity/api/
  4. api/getReport/2023/ [name='resp']
  5. demo/retailDemo/ [name='retailJson']
  6. demo/retailTasks/ [name='retailTasks']
  7. demo/retailReport/ [name='retailReport']
  8. dashboard/overview/ [name='dashboard']
  9. demo/dashboardData/ [name='dashboardData']
  10. analysis/ [name='analysis']
  11. analysisPanel/ [name='analysisPanel']
  12. mainDevelopment/ [name='mainDevelopment']
  13. retailDemo/ [name='retailDemo']
  14. getRandomDataForFoodRetail/ [name='getRandomDataForFoodRetail']
  15. analysis/API/dataStream/ [name='dataStream']
  16. analysis/API/newMessage/ [name='newMessageAPI']
  17. analysis/API/getData/ [name='getData']
  18. analysis/API/getDataNew/ [name='apiTestNew']
  19. analysis/API/getCardData/ [name='getCardData']
  20. analysis/API/getMessages/ [name='getMessages']
  21. analysis/API/getStartingMessages/ [name='getStartingMessages']
  22. markets/ api/asset-and-window/ [name='asset-window-list']
  23. [name='main']
  24. api/getInfo/ [name='collectInfo']
  25. register/ [name='register']
  26. profile/ [name='profile']
  27. login/ [name='login']
  28. accounts/login/ [name='login']
  29. logout/ [name='logout']
  30. accounts/password/ [name='change_password']
  31. landing/ [name='landing_page']
  32. ^media\/(?P<path>.*)$

The current path, markets/pair/WPRUSD:5m, didn’t match any of these.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.